Terms and Conditions
Terms of Use

The Terms are in English only and all users will be assumed to have read and understood them. These terms are effective 1 April 2023. Note that these Terms may be amended at any time by posting the relevant amended and restated Terms on the Pasamoney Website.  By continuing to access or use the Services or the Website, you agree that the amended and restated Terms will apply to you.


Pasamoney Website focuses on local (Malawi) products and services. Administrators of Pasamoney Website refer to owners of the Website. By accessing services, software and products through the site www.pasamoney.com, you affirm that you are 18 years of age or older and you agree to the following terms.

Normal Service Use
  • You will not violate any applicable laws of the Republic of Malawi
  • You will not provide or post false, inaccurate, deceptive, defamatory or misleading information
  • You will not act in a manner that could impair users’ access to Pasamoney Website, computer systems or networks including distributing viruses or related harmful technologies
  • You will not distribute unsolicited or bulk electronic communications to users
  • You will not use any automated means to mine, gather and extract Pasamoney Website data without the approval from Administrators of Pasamoney
  • You will not impose unreasonably large load on Pasamoney Website infrastructure
  • You will not collect and use the information about users of Pasamoney Website without their consent
  • You will not circumvent measures used to prevent or restrict access to Pasamoney Website
  • You will not copy, modify, reproduce, sell, resell, or exploit for any purposes any aspect of Pasamoney Website (other than your own content)
  • You will not violate posting rules by engaging in the following:
    • Post listings that do not show clear, accurate, verifiable, complete and unambiguous information regarding your contact details, the goods, services, price, delivery and any additional charges
    • Post any threatening, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, indecent or unconstitutional material
    • Make posts using inappropriate language and photos/images
    • Make posts for selling items that cannot be sold following the applicable laws of the Republic of Malawi
    • Post potentially fraudulent or inappropriate material
    • Make posts that infringe any third-party right including but not limited to intellectual property rights such as copyright, design and trademark (e.g. offering counterfeit items for sale)
    • Copy, duplicate, modify, distribute or use any other person's content without their consent
    • Make posts that duplicate other goods or services you’ve posted, or by deliberately using multiple registrations or locations to make duplicate posts
    • Make posts under the wrong categories (you must choose categories closest to your item)
    • Make posts for items or services that are not in Malawi Continuously refer users to website links that may be deemed inappropriate or duplicating the use of Pasamoney Website
Responsibility for use

Posting on Pasamoney Website or registering on the Website is generally free of charge. Users make use of Pasamoney Website services at their own risk as products may be posted on an "AS IS" basis. Therefore, users are solely responsible for all the information that they obtain from or submit to Pasamoney Website and any consequences that may result from the same. As most of the content on Pasamoney Website comes from other users, there is no guarantee or warranty or representation from administrators of the Pasamoney Website as to the content, accuracy, safety, legality of users or what's offered in a potential business transaction. For any or no reason at all, administrators of Pasamoney Website can, at their discretion, modify, remove or delete content that is inappropriate or inconsistent with Pasamoney Website Terms. In some cases, a user's usage of the Website can either temporarily or permanently be halted. Despite this, the administrators of Pasamoney Website are not under any obligation to monitor any data or content which is submitted to or available on the Website. By using Pasamoney Website services, users agree that the administrators of Pasamoney Website do not accept any liability for monitoring Pasamoney Website or for unauthorized or unlawful content on Pasamoney Website or use of Pasamoney Website services by users. All users however have a responsibility to report any suspicious activity, policy breaches or unlawful content to info@pasamoney.com

By using Pasamoney Website, you grant the administrators of Pasamoney Website a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, licence or right to create algorithms and derivative works from your content, or otherwise use such content to further improve the Webiste

The administrators of Pasamoney Website may modify, change some conditions, halt any service without prior notice to users. The administrators of Pasamoney Website cannot guarantee continuous service availability, error-free service or secure access to the Website services or that defects in the services will be corrected.


Pasamoney Website only exists as a market place for trading and its administrators are not in any way the parties of marketing, supplying or selling the goods/services on the website. The administrators have no responsibility to actively monitor transactions or content on the website and are not involved in the actual transactions between users. All business transactions on the website are between the users alone and occur outside the involvement of Pasamoney Website administrators. Further, the administrators of Pasamoney Website are not an intermediary of any payments and do not in any way engage in processing of any related payment.

All users therefore agree not to hold the administrators of Pasamoney Website liable for any postings that are unlawful, criminal, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, infringing the rights of any other person.

All users agree to indemnify administrators of Pamoney Website from any and all losses, damages, claims, liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise, directly or indirectly, as a result of any claims asserted by any party relating to the user content, information, products or services offered or displayed on the Pasamoney Website. Users should therefore take necessary steps and due care when using Pasamoney Website as the administrators of the Website will not be liable for any loss, whether of money (including profit), goodwill, or reputation, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of use of Pasamoney Website, even if there be advice that the possibility of such damage could be reasonably foreseen.

Personal Information
By using Pasamoney Website, you agree that you are giving your voluntary and informed consent to the collection, storage and use of your personal information to provide, improve and personalise Pasamoney Website services. The personal information may be used to:
  • Provide you with access to and use of Pasamoney Website services as well as access to your history, internal messages and other related features
  • Offer you personalised content with items and services that you may like
  • Provide you with location-based personalised content or services
  • Give you customer support about your account such as to troubleshoot problems or to get your opinion through survey
  • Deliver targeted marketing, service updates and promotional offers
  • Help prevent, detect, mitigate and investigate fraud, security breaches, potentially prohibited or illegal activities
  • Inform sellers (if you are a buyer) or buyers (if you are a seller), who may use it to contact you in respect of a transaction
  • Inform law enforcement and other parties in connection with the law in response to a verified request regarding a criminal investigation, alleged or suspected illegal activity, or any other such activity
Intellectual Property

You will not amend, adapt, prepare derivative works from, decompile, reverse-engineer, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive source code from Pasamoney Website and any Application on the same.